2023 August Agenda and Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting
Aug. 10, 2023
3 p.m.
JPH Conference Center


This is areminder that the North Arkansas College Board of Trustees will meet in personon Thursday, Aug. 10  at 3 p.m. in the JPH conference center.

Call to Order — Chris McNew

Approval of Agenda — Chris McNew

Regular Reports

  • Finance Report — Richard Stipe
  • President's Report — Dr. Rick Massengale

Consent Agenda — Chris McNew

  • July Regular Meeting Minutes

Monitoring Report
Increase community engagement - Dr. Rodney Arnold

Board Comments


Board of Trustees
August 10, 2023

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, 10, August 2023 in JPH conference center. Chair McNew called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Trustees Pam Henry, Debbie Johnson, Scott Miller, Linda Pledger, Don Tomlinson, Kevin Cheri, Luke Feighert, and Sarah Newman were present.

North Arkansas College personnel attending included Richard Stipe, Dr. Rodney Arnold, Jo Adams, Dr. Rick Massengale, Ryan Hoffman, Genie Allen, Dr. David Mason, Dr. Laura Berry, Brandon Cone, Tavonda Brown, Bobby Howard, and Kris Greening.

Approval of Agenda
Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none, the agenda was approved.
Regular Reports

Finance Report: Richard Stipe shared E&G and Auxiliary preliminary budget activities through July 2023.

In the E&G fund, Richard Stipe stated total revenue for the year-to-date was $4,033,931. The expenditures for year-to-date was $1,688,950. He said the amounts are preliminary, and he will have an official reporting date after the eleven-day enrollment.

Auxiliary: Revenue for the current month ended at $ 359,875. Expenditures for the current month total ended at $197,133. Richard will have more information to report at the September board meeting. Trustee Feighert asked if we knew where we would fall on the budget. Richard said we would have an accurate number at the next board meeting after the eleventh day of enrollment.

President's Report: Dr. Massengale stated the student semester credit hours are currently 17,169 with a goal of 20,344, and the head count was 1,658 with a goal of 1,950 for the Fall 2023 semester. The concurrent student semester hours are 3,366, and the college-student semester credit hours are 13,803. He said as of now, the Fall 2023 reflects non-payment students dropped 96. We are up 4.8% from last year. Dr. Massengale gave an update on the new Art addition.
He gave an update on the CRMI building and said they have redesigned it. The building will go from a two-story to a one-story without cutting any educational space. Trustee Johnson asked how many classrooms were going to be in the CRMI. Richard Stipe stated three classrooms, one double lab, and two electronic labs. Dr. Massengale reported the girls' soccer team did not make it this year; however, we have enough players to play the seven-on-seven option. We will continue to seek opportunities for girls' soccer.

Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda included:
July regular meeting minutes
Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. A motion was made by Trustee Cheri, seconded by Trustee Henry, and unanimously approved.

Monitoring Report
Dr. Rodney Arnold reported monitoring report, Increase and Enhance Community and Fundraising Events. The information aligns with goal two, Engagement of the ag娱乐官网 Strategic Plan.

The ag娱乐官网 Challenge will take place on October 13, 2023, and he recognized the 2022 Challenge winners, Lucas Gibson and Clayton Villines. He mentioned other events of 2023: the Economic Update Series with guest speaker Mervin Jebaraj and the Pioneer Wilderness Bike Trail dedication. The NICA organization will host a mountain bike competition on September 26-27th on the Wilderness trail. Dr. Arnold spoke about the John Paul Hammerschmidt Lecture Series held on March 30, 2023, with guest speaker, Senior Editor of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Rex Nelson. The 25th Annual Golf Tournament occurred on May 22, 2023, with Anstaff Bank presenting the tournament.

Dr. Arnold spoke about the free movie, The Super Mario Bros., presented on Saturday, July 22, 2023. He noted this movie was geared toward our non-traditional students. He mentioned the Scholarship Luncheon held in early August.

Dr. Arnold reported on the objective: Increase and Enhance Community Education Offerings. The Fall 2022 Community Education Courses had 65 participants, and the Spring 2023 had 106. The 2022-2023 online community education courses through Ed2go had a total number of ten students. He said the online program will gain momentum in the upcoming months. He acknowledged the new Community Education Coordinator, Genie Allen.

Dr. Arnold reported on the objective to enhance Marketing and Public Relations Strategies. He stated the July campaign report on Pandora music streaming service reached 13,854 listeners with 93 clicks. We earned 83,056 on Spotify. ag娱乐官网 started advertising at our local cinema, Golden Ticket, and Kenda Drive-In in Marshall, AR. He said ag娱乐官网 will celebrate 50 years next year and is working on the process of events and activities to celebrate.

With no further business, Chair Chris McNew adjourned the meeting at 3:31 p.m.

Board of Trustees Meeting
Aug. 18, 2023
Bennie Ellis Board Room


This is areminder that the North Arkansas College Board of Trustees will meet in personon Thursday, Aug. 10  at 3 p.m. in the JPH conference center.

Call to Order — Chris McNew

Approval of Agenda — Chris McNew

Executive Session
Pursuant to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act 25-19-106 (c) (1) Executive Sessions will be permitted only for the purpose of considering employment, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining, or resignation of any public officer or employee.

Board of Trustees Special Called Meeting 
18 August 2023

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in Special Session on Friday, 18 August 2023, in the JPH Conference Center on the South Campus. Chair Chris McNew called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Trustees Don Tomlinson, Luke Feighert, Linda Pledger, Pam Henry, Debbie Johnson, Scott Miller, and Sarah Newman were present.

North Arkansas College personnel attending included Micki Somers, Dr. Rick Massengale, and Jo Adams 

Approval of Agenda
Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none, the agenda was approved. 

Executive Session: Chair McNew stated that the primary reason for the meeting, to discuss personnel matter. Chair McNew requested a motion to meet in Executive Session, which was made by Trustee Tomlinson, seconded by Trustee Henry, and passed. Trustee Miller made a motion to reconvene in regular session, which was seconded by Trustee Newman, and passed. Chair McNew noted that no action was taken.

Board Comments: There being no further business, Chair Chris McNew adjourned the meeting at 10:04 a.m. 

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